My Curriculum Vitae
Michael A. Gealt, Ph.D.
Retired Executive Vice President and Provost
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859
As a retiree, I now live in the Philadelphia PA region. This is my original home, being born in Philadelphia in 1948.
[email protected]
2008, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard Institutes for Management and Leadership in Education
Ph.D.: 1974, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (Microbiology, David E. Axelrod, advisor)
B.A.: 1970, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA (Biology)
Professional Experience:
Arkansas Regional Appointments
Northwest Indiana Regional Appointments
Professional Societies
University Administrative Committees and Functions
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Purdue University Calumet
Drexel University
Drexel University Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology Administrative Functions:
Institutional Gifts Received for Administrative Units
I have been actively involved in each of the gifts described below, some by cultivation, some by developing the proposal and some by making the actual request. (Note: In 2009 I wrote a Development brochure – It’s Time You Know --- How UALR’s
College of Science and Mathematics is Helping Arkansas. I was the first dean to write a brochure in this UALR series.)
Courses Taught:
Ph. D. Dissertation:
Master's Degree (M.S.) with Thesis (in Bioscience, except where noted):
Visiting Scientists:
Research Activities:
Professional Advisory Committees:
Invited Symposium Lectures:
Other Invited Lectures
2010: Arkansas Applied Research Institute Workshop (Little Rock, AR, Oct. 14, 2010).
1994: Lilly-West Education Workshop — Uniting Engineering, Science and Humanities
in a Freshman Curriculum, with V. Arms and A. Smith.
1994: U.S. EPA Workshop — “Development of Ecological Tier Testing Schemes for
Microbial Biotechnology Applications” (Arlington, VA; Jan 11-13, 1994); invited
1992: A.S.M. Annual Meeting Workshop: Presentation: Molecular Detection of
pathogenic bacteria in sludge (New Orleans, LA)
1990: A.S.M. Annual Meeting Workshop Convener: Detection Methods for Specific
Bacteria and Viruses in Water and Wastewater (Anaheim, CA)
1989: PA Workshop — "Application of Microcosms to Risk Assessment Research"
(Jan. 24-27), Towson, MD.
1988: Drexel University Engineering Curriculum Development (NSF Sponsored
Project), Dec. 13-15), Philadelphia, PA
Committees and Subcommittees for Federal Agencies:
2011: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program,
Washington DC (2/11-13/11)
2010: National Science Foundation, Water Sustainability and Climate, Level 2, Proposal
Review Panel. Arlington, VA (6/22-23/10)
2007: Department of Defense SMART Scholarship Program, administered by American
Society for Engineering Education, panel meeting in Arlington, VA (3/2-3/07)
1995-2000: National Research Council, Associateship Program Proposal Review,
Washington, DC (February meeting and mail reviews throughout year).
1995: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Fort Worth, TX (Jan. 13-15) Co-Chair.
1994: National Research Council, Site Visit Panel for NRC Associateship Program,
Cincinnati, OH (July 6-7)
1994: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Columbia, MD (Feb. 11-12) Co-Chair.
1990: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Tempe, AZ (Dec. 13-15).
1990: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Fort Worth, TX (May 29-31)
1990: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, New Orleans, LO (Feb. 21-23)
1989: Environmental Protection Agency, BSAC Subcommittee on Bacterial Mobile
Genetic Elements (Jul. 20) Washington, DC
1989: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Seattle, WA (July 11-13).
1986: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Gulf Breeze, FL (Nov. 18-21).
1984: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Corvallis, OR. (August 29-31).
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Additional Proposal/Manuscript Reviewing Activities
2006: WERC Annual Research Proposal Review (March 2006)
2003: National Science Foundation [1]
2002: Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology [1]
2002: Dissertation: Department of Genetics, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
2002: Book Manuscript: Dictionary of Environmental Microbiology by L. Stetzenbach
and M. V. Yates. To be published by Prentice Hall
2002: National Science Foundation [2]
2002: Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology [1]
2002: Water Research [1]
2001: Water Research [1]
2001: National Science Foundation [1; Science Technology Center
2000: Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology [3]
2000: Water Research [1]
2000: Enzyme and Microbial Technology [1]
1999: Water Research [2]
1999:J. Quantitative Microbiology [1]
1999: Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology [3]
1999: Water, Air and Soil Pollution [1]
1998: Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology [1]
1998: American Society for Microbiology Press, Book outline [1]
1998: Water Research [2]
1995: Biotechnology and Bioengineering [1]
1995: National Science Foundation [1]
1995: Molecular Ecology [2]
1995: Molecular Microbiology [1]
1994: New York State Center for Hazardous Waste Management [1]
1994: National Science Foundation [1]
1994: The Stern Foundation [2]
1993: Canadian Journal of Microbiology [1]
1993: US Dept. Agriculture, Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program
1993: Water, Air, and Soil Pollution [1]
1992: National Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada [1]
1992: Canadian Journal of Microbiology [1]
1992: Applied and Environmental Microbiology [1]
1991: Univ. Georgia Sea Grant College Program [1]
1991: Molecular Ecology [1]
1991: Natural Environment Research Council (United Kingdom) [1]
1990: National Science Foundation [2]
1990: Antonie von Leeuenhoek Journal of Microbiology [1]
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Scientific Consulting:
2005: Syracuse Research Corporation – Review of Human Health and Ecological Tier
Testing Schemes for Genetically Engineered Microorganisms used in TSCA
Applications (consulting contract)
2002: Syracuse Research Corporation – Review of Final Biotechnology Rule for
Environmental Protection Agency (consulting contract)
1999: Philadelphia Department of Public Health
Scientific Judging:
2000-08: Judge for WERC International Environmental Design Contest, New Mexico
State University, Las Cruces, NM
Gealt, Michael A. 2009. How a University Administrator Supports STEM Education,
invited chapter for ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION: A Quest for Better
Management and Leadership in Higher Education (Editor: Sheying Chen, Ph.D.
Indiana University Southeast).
Saboo, V. M., M. Sullivan, V. Sobhon and M. A. Gealt. (2002) Genes for
pentachlorophenol degradation and the bacteria that contain them. Proceedings of
the 3rd International Symposium on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology,
Karachi (Pakistan), Feb. 24-28, 1998. In: Industrial and Environmental
Biotechnology (ed. N. Ahmed, F. M. Qureshi, and O. Y. Khan), Horizon Press:
Norfolk (England), pp. 21-31.
Ahmend, Nuzhat, A. Chakrabarty, M. Gealt, and S. Silver. (2002). Preface for Industrial
and Environmental Biotechnology (ed. N. Ahmed, F. M. Qureshi, and O. Y.
Khan), Horizon Press: Norfolk (England), pp. x-xii.
Adamo, J. A. and M. A. Gealt. (1999) New techniques for Analysis of Microbial Gene
Transfer Within a Rhabditis Soil Nematode. The Bulletin of the N.J. Academy of
Science 44: 15-19.
Saboo, V. M. and M. A. Gealt. (1998). Gene sequences of pcpB gene of
pentachlorophenol-degrading Sphingomonas chlorophenolica found in nondegraders.
Can. J. Microbiol. 44: 667-675
Adamo, J. A. and M. A. Gealt. (1996). Vectors and fomites: an investigative laboratory
for undergraduates. American Biology Teacher 58: 484-489.
Adamo, J. A. and M. A. Gealt. (1996). A demonstration of bacterial conjugation within
the alimentary canal of Rhabditis nematodes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Gealt, M. A., W. Baroletti, L.-L. Chang and S. Selvaratnam. (1995) Recombinant
Escherichia coli survival and gene transfer during wastewater treatment.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Genetic Engineering and
Biotechnology, Karachi (Pakistan), Jan. 6-9, 1993. Published in Biotechnology
for Environment and Agriculture, ed. N. Ahmed, M. Ishaq, O. Y. Khan and F.
Sarwar. Univ. Karachi (Pakistan).
Carr, R., D. H. Thomas, T. S. Venkataraman, A. L. Smith, M. A. Gealt, R. Quinn, M.
Tanyel. (1994). Mathematical and Scientific Foundations of Engineering for an
Integrative Engineering Curriculum. J. Engineering Education 84, pp. 137-150.
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Selvaratnam, S. and M. A. Gealt. (1993). Transcription of ColE1Ap mbeC is induced by
product of conjugative plasmids from different incompatibility groups. J.
Bacteriol. 175: 6982-6987.
Levin, M., and M. A. Gealt. (1993) Overview of Biotreatment Practices. In:
Biotreatment of Industrial and Hazardous Waste. M. Levin and M. A. Gealt
(eds.), pp. 1-18. McGraw-Hill, Inc.: New York.
Gealt, M. A., M. Levin, and M. Shields. (1993) The use of altered microorganisms for
field degradation of hazardous materials. In: Biotreatment of Industrial and
Hazardous Waste. M. Levin and M. A. Gealt (eds.), pp.197-208. McGraw-Hill,
Inc.: New York.
Colwell, R. R., M. Levin and M. A. Gealt. (1993) Future Directions. In: Biotreatment
of Industrial and Hazardous Waste. M. Levin and M. A. Gealt (eds.), pp. 309-
321. McGraw-Hill, Inc.: New York.
Gealt, M. A., S. Selvaratnam, L. Abrams, and R. Synenki. (1992) Survival and detection
of an introduced Escherichia coli containing the porcine Somatotropin from a
waste treatment microcosm. Molecular Ecology 1: 209-214.
Gealt, M. A., T. A. Khalil and S. Selvaratnam (1992) Effects of environmental factors on
bacterial conjugation. Proceedings of the 4th Investigators’ Meeting for EPA’s
Biotechnology-Biological Control Agent Risk Assessment Research Program,
April 8-12, 1991. EPA/600/R-92/147, pp. 165-168.
Gealt, M. A. (1992) Waste treatment microcosm. In: Workshop: Application of
Microcosms for Assessing the Risk of Microbial Biotechnology Products (ed. C.
R. Cripe, P. H. Pritichard, and A. M. Stern). U. S. EPA/600/R-92/066, pp 77-85.
Gealt, M. A. (1992). Gene transfer in waste treatment. In: Microbial Ecology:
Principles, Methods and Applications (ed. M. A. Levin, R. J. Seidler and M.
Rogul). McGraw-Hill , Inc.: New York, pp. 327-343.
Selvaratnam, S. and M. A. Gealt. (1992). Plasmid gene transfer in amended soil. Water
Res. 26: 39-43.
Rios, N. and M. A. Gealt. (1989) Biological growth in landfill leachate collection
systems. Proceedings of Conference on Geotextiles (Drexel University,
December 1988). In: Durability and Aging of Geosynthetics (ed. R. Koerner).
Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc.: New York (NY), pp. 244-259.
Gealt, M. A., J. L. Evans and A. Abdollahi. (1989) Lipids and Lipoidal Mycotoxins of
Fungi. In: Current Topics in Medical Mycology , Vol. 3,(ed. M. R. McGinnis and
M. Borgers), Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 218-247.
Gealt, M. A. (1988). Recombinant DNA plasmid transmission to indigenous organisms
during waste treatment. Proceedings of the International Conference on Water
and Wastewater Microbiology (B.H. Olson and D. Jenkins, eds.), 29-1 — 29-6
and Water Sci. Tech. 20: 179-184.
Gealt, M. A., B. E. Shapiro, T. A. Lindley, and J. L. Evans (1988) Sterol metabolism in
Aspergillus species. In: Aspergillus and Aspergillosis (ed. H. Vanden Bossche)
Plenum Press: New York. pp. 135-146.
Evans, J. L. and M. A. Gealt (1988). Regulation of 3-hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA
reductase in Aspergillus nidulans. Experimental Mycology 12, 132-140.
Foster, K. R., B. R. Epstein, and M. A. Gealt (1987). "Resonances" in the dielectric
absorption of DNA? Biophysical Journal 52: 421-425.
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Khalil, T. and M. A. Gealt (1987). Effect of Exogenous Compounds on the Mobilization
of Plasmids in Synthetic Wastewater, Canadian Journal of Microbiology 33: 733-
Mancini, P., S. Fertels, D. R. Nave, and M. A. Gealt (1987). Mobilization of plasmid
pHSV106 from Escherichia coli in a Laboratory Waste Treatment Facility,
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 53: 665-671.
McPherson, P. and M.A. Gealt (1986). Isolation of indigenous wastewater bacterial
strains capable of mobilizing plasmid pBR325. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 51, 904-909.
Evans, J.L., M. Moclock, and M.A. Gealt (1986). The fatty acid composition of the
conidia and mycelia of the fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Canadian Journal of
Microbiology 32, 179-181.
Gealt, M.A., M. Chai, K. Alpert and J. Boyer (1985). Transfer of plasmids pBR322 and
pBR325 from laboratory strains of Escherichia coli to bacteria indigenous to the
waste disposal system. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 49, 836-841.
Evans, J.L. and M.A. Gealt (1985).The sterols of growth and stationary phases of
Aspergillus nidulans cultures. Journal of General Microbiology 131, 279.
Gealt, M.A. and D. P. Weeks (1984). Isolation of temperature-sensitive flagellar mutants
of Chlamydomonas reinhardi. Announced in: Chlamydomonas Newsletter #4.
Gealt, M.A. (1983). Isolation of beta-amyrin from the fungus Aspergillus nidulans.
Journal of General Microbiology 129, 543-546.
Buchanan, R.L., M.A. Harry and M.A. Gealt (1983). Caffeine inhibition of
sterigmatocystin, citrinin, and patulin production. Journal of Food Science 48,
Shapiro, B.E. and M.A. Gealt (1982). Ergosterol and lanosterol from Aspergillus
nidulans. Journal of General Microbiology 128, 1053-1056.
Adler, J.H., M.A. Gealt, W.D. Nes and W.R. Nes (1981). Growth characteristics of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Aspergillus nidulans when biotin is replaced by
aspartic and fatty acids. Journal of General Microbiology 122, 101-107.
Gealt, M.A., J.H. Adler and W.R. Nes (1981). The sterols and fatty acids from purified
flagella of Chlamydomonas reinhardi. Lipids 16, 133-136.
Gealt, M.A. and D.P. Weeks (1980). Regulation of tubulin synthesis in a temperaturesensitive
flagellar mutant in Chlamydomonas reinhardii. Experimental Cell
Research 127, 329-339.
Weeks, D.P., P.S. Collis and M.A. Gealt (1977). In vitro and in vivo analysis of the
induction of tubulin synthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardi. In: Translation of
Natural and Synthetic Polynucleotides, A.B. Legocki (ed.). University of
Agriculture in Poznan, Poznan (Poland), pp. 53-58.
Weeks, D.P., P.S. Collis and M.A. Gealt (1977). Control of the induction of tubulin
synthesis. Nature 268, 667-668.
Morris, N.R., R. Felden, M.A. Gealt, R.V. Nardi, G. Sheir-Neiss and M.M. Sanders
(1977). The Aspergillus nucleus: Histones, chromatin and tubulin. In: Genetics
and Physiology of Aspergillus, J.E. Smith and J.A. Pateman (eds.). Academic
Press, New York, pp. 267-279.
Sheir-Neiss, G., R.V. Nardi, M.A. Gealt and N.R. Morris (1976). Tubulin-like protein
from Aspergillus nidulans. Biochemical and Biophysical Research
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Communications 69, 285-290.
Gealt, M.A., G. Sheir-Neiss and N.R. Morris (1975). The isolation of nuclei from
Aspergillus nidulans. Journal of General Microbiology 94, 204-210.
Gealt, M.A. and D.E. Axelrod (1974). Coordinate regulation of enzyme inductibility and
developmental competence in Aspergillus nidulans. Developmental Biology 41,
Axelrod, D.E., M.A. Gealt and M. Pastushok (1973). Gene control of developmental
competence in Aspergillus nidulans. Developmental Biology 34, 9-15.
Book Edited:
Biotreatment of Industrial and Hazardous Waste. (1993) M. Levin and M. A. Gealt
(eds.) McGraw-Hill, Inc.: New York.
Technical Reports:
Gealt, M. A. (1992) DNA transmissibility in a wastewater microcosm: Investigations
with a porcine somatotropin gene. Pitman-Moore, Inc., Terre Haute, IN.
Gealt, M.A., and S. Selvaratnam. (1989) Viability of pST Production Strain in
Wastewater, MR-4647. Pitman-Moore, Inc., Terre Haute, IN.
Gealt, M.A., and S. Selvaratnam. (1989) Viability of pST Production Strain in
Authentic Wastewater. Pitman-Moore, Inc., Terre Haute, IN.
Gealt, M.A., and S. Selvaratnam. (1989) Determination of the transmissibility of the
pST gene in a laboratory waste treatment facility. Pitman-Moore, Inc., Terre
Haute, IN.
Abstracts (National and International Meetings):
Gealt, Michael A., Zheng-Ming Wang, Howard Gerber, Karl Schoenbach, and Charles C.
Tseng,. 2008. Gene Regulation in Escherichia coli as a Response to Nanosecond
Pulsed Electric Fields. Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology
(June 1-5, 2008; Boston, MA).
Catelli, M., E. F. Garritt, J. B. Luland-Richards, J. A. Adamo, and M. A. Gealt, The Role
of Bacteriophagous Soil Nematodes in Prokaryotic Horizontal Gene Transfer
Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology (June 1-5, 2008; Boston,
Gealt, Michael A., Zheng-Ming Wang, Deborah S. Johnson, Phillip Smutko, Joseph
Spyridakis, Karl Schoenbach, and Charles C. Tseng. 2006. Escherichia coli
induces specific repair genes in response to nsPEF. Bioelectromagnetics 2006,
Cancun (Mexico).
Adamo, J. A., J. B. Luland-Richards, E. N. Antonelli, E. F. Garritt, and M. A. Gealt.
2006. Nematodes as bacterial, viral and potential nanotechnology delivery
systems. 2nd ASM – IEEE EMBS Conference on Bio-, Micro- and Nanosystems.
San Francisco, Jan. 2006.
Gealt, Michael A. 2005. Economic Development as a Result of Environmental
Biotechnology. 4th International Symposium on Genetic Engineering and
Biotechnology, Karachi (Pakistan), Dec. 2005.
Gealt, M. A. and C. C. Tseng. 2005. Escherichia coli responds to nsPEF with induction
of DNA repair functions. 4th International Symposium on Genetic Engineering
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and Biotechnology, Karachi (Pakistan), Dec. 2005.
Gealt, Michael A., S. M. Wang., and C. C. Tseng. 2005. Escherichia coli responds to
nsPEF with induction of DNA repair functions. Bioelectromagnetics 2005,
Dublin, Ireland, June 2005 (oral presentation)
Tseng, C. C., M.A. Gealt and S. M. Wang. 2005. Genomic responses to RF fields:
Current research of AFOSR Purdue MURI Consortium. Bioelectromagnetics
2005, Dublin, Ireland, June 2005
Wang, Zheng Ming, Charles C. Tseng, Deborah Johnson, Joseph Spridakis, Phillip
Smutko, Weilang Xie and Michael A. Gealt. 2005. Escherichia coli responds to
nsPEP with induction of DNA repair functions. ElectroMed Conference, May
2005 (oral presentation)
Luland-Richards, J.B., J. A. Adamo, and M. A. Gealt M.A. 2004 Caenorhabditis elegans:
A model vector organism for environmental gene transfer studies among
microbes. New Jersey Academy of Science Annual Meeting.
Luland-Richards, J., J.A. Adamo, and M. A. Gealt. 2004 Caenorhabditis elegans: A
model vector system for bacterial and viral environmental DNA transfer studies.
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New
Orleans, LA, May 23-27 (submitted).
Want, Zheng-Ming, Joseph L. Roti, Roti, Graham J. Hook, Eduardo G. Moros, Deborah
Johnson, Karen Dunbar, Michael Gealt, and Charles C. Tseng. 2003. The RF
effects on human gene expression: Microarray analysis. ElectroMED
Conference, San Antonio, TX, June 12-14.
Gerber, Howard, Chenn Zhou, Toma Hentea, Michael Gealt, and Charles C. Tseng.
2003. A predictable RF exposure system for studying gene expression.
ElectroMED Conference, San Antonio, TX, June 12-14.
Sobhon, V. and M. A. Gealt. 2001. Additional Nucleotides in pcpC Gene Do Not Affect
PCP Degradation. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, Orlando, FL, May 20-24.
Sobhon, V. and M. A. Gealt. 2000. Variation at the N-terminal Region of Sphingomonas
TeCHQ Dehalogenase (pcpC) that Does Not Affect Dechlorination of
Pentachlorophenol. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, Los Angeles, CA, May 21-25.
Scangerella, N. and M. A. Gealt. 1999. Effect of medium and incubation time on
identification of environmental isolates by FAME analysis. Abstracts of the
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Chicago, IL, May 30-
Jun 3.
Adamo, J. A. and M. A. Gealt. 1998. New techniques for plasmid transfer studies in a
soil nematode vector model system. New Jersey Academy of Science, April 18.,
43 (1).
Saboo, V. M., M. Sullivan, V. Sobhon and M. A. Gealt. 1998. Pentachlorophenol
Degradation. 3rd International Symposium on Industrial and Environmental
Biotechnology, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan. Feb. 24-28.
Gealt, M. A. and V. M. Saboo. 1996. Pentachlorophenol-4-monooxygenase gene
sequence comparisons. 1996. Amer. Chem. Soc. I & EC Special Symposium.
Birmingham, AL, Sept. 9-11.
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Saboo, V. M. and M. A. Gealt. 1996. Variation in DNA sequences amplified from
strains isolated from a pentachlorophenol contaminated site (Q182). Abstracts of
the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA
Adamo, J. A. and M. A. Gealt. 1996. A quantitative investigative microbiology ecology
laboratory: Statistics and nematode-bacterial interaction (W13). Abstracts of the
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA
Leighton, J. P., J. A. Adamo, and M. A. Gealt, 1995. Transmission of plasmid DNA by
the conjugation of Escherichia coli in soil nematodes. the Bulletin of the New
Jersey Academy of Science 40(1):15.
Adamo , J. A. and M. A. Gealt. 1995. Bacterial viability in a soil nematode: a necessary
precursor to the study of internalized bacterial gene transfer. Abstracts of the
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC.
Adamo, J. A., and M. A. Gealt. 1994. Bacterial gene transfer in nematodes. Abstracts of
the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas, NV.
Adamo, J. A., and M. A. Gealt. 1994. Vectors and fomites. Abstracts of the Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas, NV.
Stadnick, C. M., J. A. Adamo, and M. A. Gealt. 1993. Feeding time requirement of a
nematode model system for the study of gene transfer in soil organisms. The
Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science 38(1):13.
Adamo, J. A., C. M. Stadnick, and M. A. Gealt. 1993. A nematode model system for the
study of gene transfer in soil organisms. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA.
Gealt, M. and S. Selvaratnam. 1992. Regulation of the mbeC gene involved in
mobilization of plasmid colE1. Abstracts of the 6th International Symposium on
Microbial Ecology, Barcelona, Spain.
Gealt, M. A., S. Selvaratnam, L. Abrams, and R. Synenki. 1992. Recovery of
recombinant Escherichia coli from wastewater and soil microcosms. Abstracts of
Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial Microbiology, San Diego, CA.
Gealt, M. A., W. B. Baroletti, L-L. Chang, C. Kokolis, and B. P. Sagik. 1992. Detection
of Salmonella typhimurium containing a P22 prophage in a Laboratory Scale
Waste Treatment Microcosm. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American
Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA.
Selvaratnam, S., T. Khalil, and M.A. Gealt. 1992. The effect of ferric ion on expression
of the traJ gene of the conjugative plasmid R100-1. Abstracts of the Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA.
Cheng, H-W. 1992. Physical-chemical studies of culturable/non-culturable
Enterobacteriacae. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, New Orleans, LA.
Baroletti, W. B. and M. A. Gealt (1991). Natural gene transformation in wastewater
systems. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, Dallas TX.
Selvaratnam, S. and M. A. Gealt (1991). Regulation of Transcription of the mob Genes
of Plasmid ColE1.Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, Dallas, TX.
Gealt, M. A. (1991) Effects of Environmental Factors in Bacterial Conjugation.
Biotechnology/Microbial Pest Control Agent Risk Assessment Research Program
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All-Investigators Meeting. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Arlington,
VA (April 8-11, 1991).
Gealt, M. A. (1990). Conjugation as a means of gene transfer in wastewater. 4th
International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, Univ. Maryland,
College Park, MD.
Selvaratnam, S. and M. A. Gealt (1990). Comparison of mob+ and mob- recombinant
plasmid mobilization in soil. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American
Society for Microbiology, Anaheim, CA.
Gealt, M. A. (1988) Mobilization of a genetically engineered DNA sequence in a
laboratory waste treatment facility. SETAC meeting, Washington, DC.
Gealt, M. A., P. Cleaveland, and M. Vettese (1988). Transfer of genetically engineered
DNA (GEDS) to indigenous wastewater bacteria in a laboratory-scale treatment
facility. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, Miami Beach, FL.
Osman, M. A. and M. A. Gealt (1988). Wastewater bacteriophage transduce genes from
the chromosome and a recombinant plasmid. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of
the American Society for Microbiology, Miami Beach, FL.
Gealt, M. A. (1988) Recombinant DNA plasmid transmission to indigenous organisms
during waste treatment." IAWPRC Specialized Conference on the Microbiology
of Waters and Wastewaters, Newport Beach, CA.
Gealt, M. A., B. E. Shapiro, T. A. Lindley, and J. L. Evans (1987) Sterol metabolism in
Aspergillus species. Second Symposium, Topics in Mycology, Aspergillus and
Aspergillosis. Sponsored by Janssen Research Foundation and the International
Society on Human and Animal Mycology. Antwerp, Belgium.
Epstein, B. R., M. A. Gealt, and K. R. Foster (1987). The use of coaxial probes for
precise dielectric measurements: A reevaluation. Proceedings of IEEE.
Microwave Theory and Technique Society, International Symposium, Las Vegas,
Khalil, T.A. and M. A. Gealt (1987). Effect of environmental physical and chemical
factors on bacterial conjugation. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA.
Evans, J.L., and M. A. Gealt (1986). Effect of exogenous ergosterol on 3-hydroxy-3-
methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR) in Aspergillus nidulans.
Abstracts of the 1986 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Biological
Chemistry, Washington, DC.
McPherson, P. and M.A. Gealt (1986). Restriction analysis of R-plasmids from two
indigenous wastewater bacteria capable of mobilizing pBR325. Abstracts of the
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC.
McPherson, P. and M.A. Gealt (1985). Indigenous wastewater bacteria mobilize plasmid
pBR325 from laboratory strains of Escherichia coli. Abstracts of the Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas, NE.
Evans, J.L., M. Moclock, and M.A. Gealt (1985). The levels of linolenic acid in
Aspergillus nidulans varies as a function of growth phase. Abstracts of the
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas, NE.
Alpert, K.B., J. Boyer and M.A. Gealt (1984). Co-integrate formation in recombinant
plasmids during conjugation. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American
Michael A. Gealt Page 21 10/18/11
Society for Microbiology, St. Louis, MO.
Evans, J.L. and M.A. Gealt (1984). The insensitivity of ergosterol synthesis to
cycloheximide in Aspergillus nidulans. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Microbiology, St. Louis, MO.
Gealt, M.A. and J. Boyer (1983). Participation of a conjugative plasmid containing
Escherichia coli in mobilization of non-conjugative plasmids pBR322 and
pBR325. Third International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, East Lansing,
Gealt, M.A., T.A. Lindley and J.L. Evans (1982). Regulation of beta-amyrin synthesis by
Aspergillus nidulans. Journal of Cell Biology 95, 46a.
Dowiadar, S.M. and M.A. Gealt (1981). Fatty acid and sterol composition of the
Chlamydomonas reinhardi chloroplast. Journal of Cell Biology 91, 279a.
Gealt, M.A., J.H. Adler and W.R. Nes (1980). A sterol mutant of Aspergillus nidulans.
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology,
Miami Beach, FL.
Gealt, M.A., J.H. Adler and W.R. Nes (1980). Flagellar sterols and fatty acids of
Chlamydomonas reinhardi. Federation Proceedings 39, 1996.
Gealt, M.A. and D.P. Weeks (1978). A conditional fragile-flagella mutant of
Chlamydomonas reinhardi with altered regulation of tubulin synthesis. Journal
of Cell Biology 79, 360a.
Weeks, D.P., P.S. Collis and M.A. Gealt (1977). Tubulin synthesis and programmed
changes in protein synthesis throughout the cell cycle and life cycle of
Chlamydomonas reinhardi. Journal of Cell Biology 75, 26a.
Gealt, M.A., G. Sheir-Neiss and N.R. Morris (1975). Isolation of nuclei from Aspergillus
nidulans . Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, New York, NY.
Gealt, M.A. (1974). Regulation of nitrate reductase production capability and
morphological competence in Aspergillus nidulans. Abstracts of the Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Chicago, IL.
Gealt, M.A. and D.E. Axelrod (1973). Induction of development in competent
Aspergillus nidulans. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society
for Microbiology, Miami Beach, FL.
Popular Press Articles:
Newspaper Op-Ed Article: Improve Education (in Math and Science). Arkansas
Democrat-Gazette, 2007
Book Review: Inside and Our: Universities and Education for Sustainable Development
by R. Forrent and S. Silka (eds.), Ecology
Newspaper Op-Ed Article: Why Water? Why Now? The Times (Hammond, IN), 2005.
Newspaper Article: Science Education leads to jobs and benefits community, Post-
Tribune (Gary, IN), July 27, 2003, p. E7 and The Times (Hammond, IN), August
10, 2003.
Book Review: Getting Rid of Wastes, a review of Biodegradation and Bioremediation, by
M. Alexander. Bioscience 45: 635-638 (1995).
Book Review (with B. P. Sagik): Gene Transfer in the Environment, by S. B. Levy and
R. V. Miller. Bioscience 40: 537-538 (1990).
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Genetic engineering: Curing nature's ills or altering its plan? Drexel Magazine (1988
[Spring]), pp. 29-31.
Television Interviews:
2011: Publicity interview for 2011 James Fribourgh Award Reception, KTHV-TV.
2003: Region Watch, Northwest Indiana Form (April 11, 2003). Comcast Cable TV.
Interviewed by John Davies with Chenn Zhou, Ph.D. about Steel Industry in NW
Indiana and 21st Century Fund grant received by Dr. Zhou.
2003: Purdue Calumet and You (April 21, 2003). Broadcast on Channel 56 (Public TV)
and cable. Interviewed about campus activities.
Grants and Contracts Funded:
Arkansas Science & Technology Authority, Little Rock, AR. Grant for development of
UTeach Proposal. (9/2011 – 12/2011; $41,000).
Central Arkansas Transportation Authority, North Little Rock, AR. Alternative Fuels
Study (Chair of UALR Committee evaluating alternative fuels), ($20,000).
Report delivered June 2011).
National Science Foundation, Lewis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. Campus
PI (Program PI: Dr. Mary Benjamin, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff),
Il-IN Sea Grant, Indiana Water Institute (Budget Period 7/1/04-8/31/04), $5,000.
U.S. Air Force, Office of Scientific Research (Budget Period 2003-04) $200,000.
U.S. Air Force, Office of Scientific Research (Budget Period 1/5/02-6/30/05,
$1,400,000. (MURI 02) RF Bio-Effects for Homeland Defense" An additional
$900,000 awarded for periond 7/1/05-6/30/07.
PI: Charles C. Tseng. Co-PI's: Chenn Zhou, Howard Gerber, Michael A. Gealt,
Chung Lee, San Ming Wang.
U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Budget Period 7/1/02-12/30/02; $200,000)
Equipment for High Frequency Measurements for Gene Expression Studies.
PI: Charles C. Tseng. Co-PI's: Chenn Zhou, Howard Gerber, Michael A. Gealt
Department of Army, Army Environmental Policy Institute – (Budget period 7/1/98-
10/31/98, $30,000); “Analyzing Environmental Justice Issues at Chemical
Stockpile Disposal Sites.”, Project Director: Michael Gealt
Co-PI’s: Robert Brulle, Brandon Kelley
National Science Foundation – (Budget period 10/1/97-9/30/00; $320,000), “Acquisition
of an ICP-MS as an Institutional Resource at Drexel University”, Principal
Investigator: Michael A. Gealt (grant transferred to S. Kilham in June 2000 when
I left Drexel University for position at Purdue University Calumet)
Co-PI’s: Anthony Paulson, Charles Haas, Mirat Gurol, Sue Kilham, Chris Barry,
and Claire Welty
National Science Foundation – (Budget Period: 7/1/97-6/30/98), “3rd International
Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology, Karachi, Pakistan”, Principal
Investigator: Michael A. Gealt
National Science Foundation — (Budget period 9/1/94-8/31/96; $12,572) , “Biology
Laboratory for Freshmen Engineering Students.” Principal Investigator:
Michael A. Gealt Page 23 10/18/11
Rebecca Dickstein , Co-PI: Michael A. Gealt
Pitman-Moore, Inc. — (Budget period 4/1/92-12/30/93; Budget amount: $89,500) ,
“Plasmid Transfer in a Laboratory Waste Treatment Facility” Principal
Investigator: Michael A. Gealt
American Society for Microbiology — Science-Educator Team project (Michael A.
Gealt: head of Drexel University team), with S. Kilham. Visiting scientist: J. A.
Adamo (Ocean County College); Project on gene transfer inside of nematodes.
Environmental Protection Agency — (Sub-contract with University of Pittsburgh; Subcontract
budget period: 10/1/90-3/31/93; Subcontract budget amount: $99,990),
“Detection of Specific Bacteria in Sewage Sludge”
Principal Investigators: Bernard P. Sagik and Michael A. Gealt
Environmental Protection Agency — R815610 (Budget period: 4/30/90-10/30/93; Budget
amount: $522,046)
"Regulation of Genetic Transfer Into and Between Indigenous Bacteria in
Principal Investigator: Michael A. Gealt
Smith Kline & French Laboratories — (Budget period 7/1/89-12/31/90; Budget amount:
$55,000) , “Gene Acquisition by Transformation” , Principal Investigator:
Michael A. Gealt
Pitman-Moore, Inc. — (Budget period 4/1/89-9/30/89; Budget amount: $21,300) ,
“Bacterial Viability in a Laboratory Waste Treatment Facility” , Principal
Investigator: Michael A. Gealt
Office of Naval Research — (Sub-Contract with University of Pennsylvania; Sub-
Contract budget period 5/1/86-4/30/89; Sub-Contract budget amount: $74,745) ,
"Dielectric Absorption and Dispersion in Biological and Model Systems:
Molecular Mechanisms" , Project Manager: Kenneth R. Foster (Associate
Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, Co-Investigator: Michael A. Gealt (sub-contract to
provide purified plasmid DNA)
Environmental Protection Agency — Proposal No. R812362 (Budget Period: 7/8/85-
7/7/87; Budget amount: $180,371), "R ecombinant DNA Plasmid Transmission to
Indigenous Organisms During Domestic Waste Water Treatment" , Principal
Investigator: Michael A. Gealt , Co-Investigator: Bernard P. Sagik
Environmental Protection Agency — Grant No. R810049-01 (5/1/83-4/30/85; Budget
amount: $202,059) , "Plasmid Gene Transfer to Indigenous Organisms During
Domestic Waste Treatment and Disposal" , Principal Investigator: Michael A.
Gealt , Co-Investigator: Bernard P. Sagik
Biomedical Research Support Grant (B.R.S.G) — Drexel University, 1983-1984 (Budget
amount: $1,500) , "Regulation of Stationary Phase Sterol Accumulation by
Aspergillus nidulans" ,Principal Investigator: Michael A. Gealt
National Science Foundation — Grant No. PCM 8006840 (3/15/81-2/28/82; Budget
amount: $25,000) , "Purchase of Liquid Scintillation Counter for Study of Sterols
and Other Lipids" , Principal Investigator: Jeffrey T. Billheimer , Co-
Investigators: John H. Adler, Michael A. Gealt, William R. Nes, Karla S. Ritter
National Science Foundation — Grant No. CDP 8006391 (6/1/80-5/31/81; Budget
amount: $21,000) , "Coordinate Regulation of Lipid and Protein Biosynthesis
Michael A. Gealt Page 24 10/18/11
During Flagellar Regeneration" ,Principal Investigator: Michael A. Gealt , Co-
Investigators: John H. Adler, William R. Nes, Karla S. Ritter
Biological Research Support Grant (B.R.S.G.) — Drexel University, 1980-1981 (Budget
amount: $1,000) , "Co-ordinate Regulation of Lipid and
ProteinSynthesis:Lipid Content of theChlamydomonasChloroplast", Principal
Investigator: Michael A. Gealt
Grants Projects Administered:
U.S. Geological Survey, Joint Funding Agreement, Examination of Phytoplankton on
Lake Maumelle, UALR PI ($5,000).
Department of Army, Army Environmental Policy Institute – (Budget period 1/18/99-
1/17/00, $47,000); R. Brandon Kelley assignment to AEPI; Project Director:
Michael A. Gealt
Biographical Listings:
American Men and Women of Science
Manchester Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals
Sterling Who’s Who Directory
Who’s Who in America (through 2011)
Who’s Who in American Education
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (through 2011-2012)
Who’s Who in Technology
Who’s Who in the Midwest
Who’s Who in the World
Who’s Who International Professionals
Who's Who In Medicine and Healthcare
Retired Executive Vice President and Provost
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859
As a retiree, I now live in the Philadelphia PA region. This is my original home, being born in Philadelphia in 1948.
[email protected]
2008, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard Institutes for Management and Leadership in Education
Ph.D.: 1974, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (Microbiology, David E. Axelrod, advisor)
B.A.: 1970, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA (Biology)
Professional Experience:
- 2020 - present: Advisory Council (and representative to Professional Development Committee), Association of Chief Academic Officers (ACAO).
- 2013-2019: Executive Vice President and Provost and Professor of Biology, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
- 2006-2013: Dean, College of Science (formerly College of Science and Mathematics; CSAM), and Professor of Biology, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR 72204
- 2003 (Jan. 1 to June 30): Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN
- 2000-2005: Dean, School of Engineering, Mathematics and Science, Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN. EMS included departments of Biology, Chemistry & Physics, Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Computer), Mathematics & Statistics.
- 2000-2005: Professor, Department of Biology, Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN
- 1997-2000: Director and Professor, School of Environmental Science, Engineering and Policy, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
- 1993-1997: Director (Associate Director 1992-1993), Environmental Studies Institute, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
- 1990-1997: Professor (and Assistant Department Head, 1989-1992), Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
- 1990-1991: Faculty Leave, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Sabine Island, Gulf Breeze, FL.
- 1984-1990: Associate Professor (and Assistant Department Head, 1989-1990), Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology (formerly: Biological Sciences), Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
- 1979-1984: Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
- 1978-1979: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
- 1976-1978: Postdoctoral Trainee, The Institute for Cancer Research, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA (Laboratory of Donald P. Weeks)
- 1974-1976: Research Associate, Department of Pharmacology, Rutgers Medical School, College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ (Laboratory of N. Ronald Morris)
- 2012: Elected to Board, EAST Initiative, Little Rock (AR)
- 2009: Elected Chair, Arkansas STEM Coalition (two year term)
- 2008: Elected Vice-Chair, Arkansas STEM Coalition.
- 1994: Elected as Chair Division Q (Environmental and Applied Microbiology),
- American Society for Microbiology
- 1993: Elected as Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology.
- 1993: Elected as Lecturer, Foundation of Microbiology Lecture Program, American
- Society for Microbiology
- 1993: Elected as Chair-Elect, Division Q (Environmental and Applied Microbiology),
- American Society for Microbiology
- 1971-1974: National Defense Education Act Predoctoral Fellowship, Rutgers University.
Arkansas Regional Appointments
- Museum of Discover Outreach Advisory Council, Little Rock, AR (2012 to 2013)
- Mathematics and Sciences Division Advisory Committee, Pulaski Technical College, Little Rock, AR (2011 to present)
- Advisory Committee for STEM Project (to oversee Winthrop Rockefeller Grant “STEM Teacher Empowerment” for Arkansas Science & Technology Authority, Little Rock, AR (Chair, 2007-2009).
- Arkansas STEM Coalition, 2009-10 Chair, 2008 Vice-Chair; 2007 Co-Chair, Graduate Education Committee (with A. Sustich of Arkansas State University).
Northwest Indiana Regional Appointments
- Northwest Indiana Environmental Initiative (at Indiana University Northwest), Steering Committee (2004 -- 2005)
- Indiana State Steel Advisory Committee (representative from Purdue University Calumet) until 2005
- Connections 2030 Work Group (and the Policy Sub-Committee of this group) – a Northwest Indiana Regional Planning Commission to develop long-range regional transportation plan (2004-2005)
- Environmental Management Planning Committee (an advisory committee to the Northwest Indiana Regional Planning Commission)
- Northwest Indiana Symphony Society Board of Directors (2004-2005)
Professional Societies
- American Academy of Microbiology
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Society for Cell Biology
- American Society for Microbiology (National) -- Chair-Elect and Chair of Division Q
- (Environmental and General Applied Microbiology) July 1, 1993-June 30, 1995. Division Q Nominating Committee, member, 1996 and 2010)
- Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors
- Sigma Xi
University Administrative Committees and Functions
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
- 2011: UALR Systems Relations Committee, an appointed committee of the University Assembly.
- 2011: Planning Committee for UTeach Proposal to UTeach Institute. Working with UALR College of Education in developing faculty group to develop planning proposal for Arkansas Science & Technology Authority.
- 2010: Strategic Planning Subcommittee on Educational Experiences of Our Students
- 2010-present: Steering Committee for Doctoral Program in Bioinformatics
- 2010: Committee to evaluate bus engines for future purchase by Central Arkansas Transportation Authority (Chair)
- 2009-10: Committee to evaluate possible linkage of waste water utilities from Sherwood, AR, and North Little Rock, AR.
- 2009: Committees for the selection of a) the Architect & Engineering firm and b) the General Contractor firm for Bio-Nanotechnology Bldg to be constructed at UALR.
- 2008: Committee for Mandatory Freshman Orientation, co-chair
- 2008: Search Committee for Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School
- 2008: Search for Compliance Officer, Office of Research and Sponsored Projects
- 2007-2008: Faculty Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee (ex officio)
- 2006-2007: Banner Process Steering Committee
- 2006-present: Chancellor’s Leadership Group
- 2006-present: Deans Council
Purdue University Calumet
- 2005 Search Committee for Assistant Vice Chancellor for Advancement
- 2003-2004: Chair, Search Committee for Director of Institutional Research
- 2003: As Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs I was a member of the Senior Leadership Team for the University. There were several committees that I chaired as Interim VCAA, including those associated with developing the Strategic Initiatives (Student Success Network, Center for Professional Development, etc.) and I served as the Purdue University Calumet representative to committees, e.g., the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Administrative Council. I also participated in Purdue University System functions, e.g., the Chief Academic Officers meetings).
- 2002: Search Committee for Vice Chancellor for Advancement
- 2001-2002: AQIP Work Group and Participant in AQIP Forum in Lisle, IL
- 2001-2005: Enrollment Management Committee
- 2000-2005: As Dean of the School of Engineering, Mathematics and Science at Purdue University Calumet, I was a member of the Academic Administrative Council (and Council of Deans, which is the Deans sub-group of AAC). In addition, I was a member of the Academic Computing Committee, the Administrative IT Committee (Academic Affairs representative), Academic Facilities Planning Committee, the University Promotion and Tenure Committee (Panel C) and participated in several short-term ad hoc committees. I was also involved in expanding the number of international students at PUC through a 3+1 program we developed with universities in India.
Drexel University
- 1997-2000: As Director of the School of Environmental Science, Engineering and Policy at Drexel University, I was a member of the University Senior Management Committee and the Provost’s Deans Council and the Faculty Senate.
- 1999-2000: Chair, Middle States Accreditation Task Force on the Governing Board
- 1999-2000: Appointed as University representative to the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
- 1999-2000: Infrastructure Task Force for the Potential Merger of Drexel University and MCP-Hahnemann University
- 1992: University Academic Planning Committee
- 1991-1992: Undergraduate Affairs Committee (of Faculty Senate)
- 1991-1992: University Seminar Faculty Committee, Chairman
- 1991-present: Environmental Studies Institute Curriculum Committee
- 1989-1994: Chairman, Life Science Engineering Curriculum Development. Sub- Committee for NSF Sponsored Curriculum Development Project
- 1989-1990: College of Science Shop Committee
- 1988: College of Science Dean Selection Committee
- 1987-1989: University Faculty Council, member
- 1987-1989: University Faculty Council Subcommittee on Student Affairs. [Chairman: 1988-89]
- 1987-1988: Environmental Studies Institute Curriculum Committee
- 1987: University Committee on Safety Accountability
- 1987: College of Science ad hoc Committee on Computer Planning
- 1987: Acting Associate Director, Environmental Studies Institute
- 1986: Panel to Review Cooperative Education at Drexel University
- 1984-1994: Institutional Biosafety Committee (Chairman 1984-1990)
Drexel University Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology Administrative Functions:
- 1984-1996: Bioscience Department Faculty Review Committee (Chair, 1992-95)
- 1989-1992: Bioscience Assistant Department Head
- 1989-1990: Betz Chair Search Committee (member)
- 1989-1990: Bioscience Recruitment Committee (member)
- 1988-1990: Chairman, Bioscience Undergraduate Affairs Committee
- 1985-1987: Chairman, Bioscience Departmental Search Committee
- 1984-1987: Bioscience Committee on Graduate Affairs
- 1979-1983: Bioscience Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Institutional Gifts Received for Administrative Units
I have been actively involved in each of the gifts described below, some by cultivation, some by developing the proposal and some by making the actual request. (Note: In 2009 I wrote a Development brochure – It’s Time You Know --- How UALR’s
College of Science and Mathematics is Helping Arkansas. I was the first dean to write a brochure in this UALR series.)
- 2011: Fribourgh Award Scholarship Reception. March 31, 2011. Raised ~$30,000 to establish two additional CSAM Endowed Leadership Scholar scholarships plus an additional $15,000 from a major donor for a third scholarship.
- 2010: Willard and Patricia Walker Foundation, Bentonville, AR. Endowed funding for scholarships in nursing program ($2,000,000). I participated in cultivation and in preparing request for donation.
- 2010: With Development and my Dean’s Advisory Council we created a fund-raising event establishing the “Fribourgh Award” named for a former Provost who was a Professor of Biology. Dr. Fribourgh, who also has a building named for him, was the first award recipient. We envision this award as an annual function. Corporate support includes Acxiom Corporation ($2,500). ~$15,000 was raised with this event and it was used to establish a scholarship in the College.
- 2010: Cabe Foundation. Funding for purchase of child simulated patient ($28,000 requiring equal match)
- 2009: James Hendren, Research Support Initiative ($50,000 pledge).
- 2008 -- 2011: Sherri and Jerry Damerow Mathematics Scholarship ($85,000 aggregate to date with corporate match)
- 2008: St. Vincent’s Health Systems, Little Rock, AR. Funding for collaboration on nursing program ($324,000) as part of a five-year Memorandum of Understanding. I participated in cultivation and in preparation of the request for the donation.
- 2008: Willard and Patricia Walker Foundation, Bentonville, AR. Endowed funding for scholarships in nursing program ($1,000,000). I participated in cultivation and in preparation of the request for the donation.
- 2008: Cabe Foundation. Funding for purchase of Noelle, a birthing simulator, for nursing program ($52,000)
- 1999: Crown, Cork and Seal Corporation, Philadelphia, PA. Funding for a Environmental Research Facility ($40,000).
- 1999: Philadelphia Suburban Water Company. Funding for a Center for Water Engineering and Science ($10,000 annually).
- 1999: F. W. Olin Corporation Foundation. Funding for Equipment ($25,000) and Scholarship Support for Minority and Women ($25,000; funds distributed 1999- 2000). An additional $10,000 was given for support environmental science and engineering workshops
- 1998: Rhone Poulenc Rohrer: Scholarship for Undergraduate Students in Environmental Science and Engineering ($10,000)
- 1998: Roy F. Weston Company. Equipment valued at $100,000. (Part of a $400,000 gift of equipment to Drexel University).
- 1998: Mobil Corporation. Funds for Environmental Health Program ($7,500)
- 1998: SmithKline Beecham. Funds for support of the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation ($10,000)
- 1998: SmithKline Beecham. Funds for sponsorship of a seminar series in Environmental Policy ($10,000).
- 1998: Mobil Corporation. Funds for Environmental Health Program ($7,500)
- 1998: F. W. Olin Corporation Foundation. Funding for Equipment ($25,000) and Scholarship Support for Minority and Women ($25,000; funds distributed 1998-1999)
- 1998: BetzDearborn, Inc. Funding of a Water Quality Laboratory ($250,000 total; funds distributed 2000-2004)
- 1997: Safety-Kleen Corporation: Funds for Operation of SESEP ($5,000)
- 1997: Rhone Poulenc Rorer: Scholarship for Undergraduate Students in Environmental Science and Engineering ($5,000)
- 1997: Mobil Corporation Resources Group. Funds for Environmental Health Program ($7,500)
- 1997: Claudio Elia Fellowship Foundation: Funds for Graduate Fellowship in Water Quality ($65,000, plus additional contributions in later years)
- 1996: Safety-Kleen Corporation: Funds for Operation of SESEP ($5,000)
- 1995: F. W. Olin Corporation Foundation. Workshops on Environmental Science and Engineering ($30,000 total; funds distributed 1996-1998)
- 2011-present: Working with Faculty Committee from College of Science & Mathematics and College of Education on development of UTeach curriculum for UALR.
- 2006-present: University of Arkansas at Little Rock – fostered development of new curricula in several departments. M.S. in Health Sciences approved 2006; Graduate Certificate in Geospatial Technology approved 2006; Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics approved 2008; B.S. Nursing completion degree approved 2008 (reviewed by NLNAC initial accreditation Sept. 2009).
- 2000-2005: Purdue University Calumet – fostered development of new curricula in several departments. Fostered new program in engineering (B.S. Civil Engineering), and computer science (M.S.).
- 1997-2000: Drexel University – development of the Environmental Engineering undergraduate degree with senior faculty from the School of Environmental Science, Engineering and Policy.
- 1995-1997: American Chemical Society SciTeKS Program (NSF Supported) -- Member of Steering Committee and Member of Curriculum Development Task Force
- 1994-1996: Young Scholars Program at Drexel University (for 8th graders from Philadelphia School District) -- supported by NSF
- 1989-1993: Drexel University E4 (Enhanced Educational Experience in Engineering; NSF Supported); Chaired committee that developed Life Science curriculum
- 1968-1970: Temple University Biology Department Curriculum Committee -- Undergraduate member.
Courses Taught:
- Advanced Cell Biology
- Biochemistry I
- Cell Physiology
- Genetics
- Life Sciences for Enhanced Educational Experience for Engineers (E4 Program, NSF grant for curriculum development)
- Microbial Ecology
- Senior Seminar
- University Seminar
- University Honors Seminar
- Biochemistry I (formerly P263)
- Bioremediation (ENVR 727)
- Cell Physiology (formerly P231)
- Environmental Health (formerly F221)
- Environmental Microbiology (ENVR 616 at Drexel and BIO590 at Purdue Calumet)
- Graduate Seminar (formerly P280-55)
- Medical Sciences I (= Cell Biology [formerly F421])
- Microbial Ecology (BIO665, formerly P223)
- Microbiology Seminar
- Molecular Genetics (formerly P280-20)
- Prokaryotic Genetics (formerly P280-57)
- Seminar on Lipid Biochemistry (formerly P280-41)
Ph. D. Dissertation:
- Aktar, Rozina (2013 estimate), working with Dr. Maurice Kleve in directing research of student.
- Arlaskus-Dekleva, Lynn Anne (2007, from Drexel University), 1-Hydroxyanthraquinone: Activity in Paracoccus denitrificans and Potential Application for Biomass Reduction in Wastewater Treatment Facilities.
- Saboo, Vandana (1998). The Pentachlorophenol-4-Monooxidase Gene (pcpB) Sequences in Bacteria Other Than Sphingomonas chlorophenolica.
- Selvaratnam, Shivi (1992). Genetic Locus Required for the Mobilization of Nonconjugative Plasmids
- Khalil, Taher A. (1990). Effect of Environmental Factors on Bacterial Conjugation.
- Evans, Joseph Lawrence (1986). Regulation of Sterol Biosynthesis During the Growth Cycle of Aspergillus nidulans.
- Smith, Geary (2004) Laboratory Project: Effect of Radiofrequency Waves on Gene Expression in Bacteria
Master's Degree (M.S.) with Thesis (in Bioscience, except where noted):
- Sullivan, Melanie (1997). Comparison of the frequency of pcpB-like genensequences In bacteria from contaminated and non-contaminated soil.
- Baroletti, William (1995). Methods for isolation of deoxyribonucleic acids from samples collected in natural environments.
- Cheng, Hui-Wen (1993; with B. P. Sagik). Viability and physical characterization of Salmonella typhimurium under conditions of prolonged incubation. (Environmental Science)
- Chang, Len-Li (1993). Detection of Salmonella typhimurium containing P22 prophage and E. coli HB101 containing pHSV106 plasmid in a laboratory scale waste treatment facility. (Environmental Engineering)
- Rios, Nancy (1989). Analysis of Leachate Bacteria Which Clog Geotextiles.
- Lindley, Theresa Ann (1984). Analysis of the Sterols and Triterpenoids of Aspergillus nidulans.
- Alpert, Kevin B. (1984). Analysis of the Cointegrate Formation of Recombinant Plasmids During Conjugation.
- Boyer, Jayne (1983). Electrophoretic Analysis of Nonconjugative Cloning Vectors.
- Evans, Joseph Lawrence (1982). Analysis of Developmental and Environmental Influences on the Cyclization Products of Squalene.
- Dowiadar, Samha Mohamed (1981). Fatty Acid and Sterol Composition of the Chlamydomonas reinhardi Chloroplasts.
- Shapiro, Bryan Eliot (1981). Characterization of the Sterols and Steryl Esters of Aspergillus nidulans.
Visiting Scientists:
- Diane Herson (Univ. Delaware, 1987)
- Mancini, Patricia (1985-86)
- Abdollahi, Abbas (1987-1989)
Research Activities:
Professional Advisory Committees:
- 2011-present: Mathematics and Sciences Division Advisory Committee, Pulaski Technical College, Little Rock, AR
- 2000-2005: Engineering Deans Council, ASEE (Indiana State Representative, 2002, 2004, 2005).
- 2000-2002: University of Notre Dame Center for Environmental Science and Technology (CEST) Advisory Board.
- 1999-2000: Drexel University Representative to the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).
- 1999-2001: Advisory Board and Sponsor-participant (with the Food and Drug Administration) for the Waste-management Research and Education Consortium (of New Mexico) (WERC).
- 1998-2001: Great Lakes and Middle Atlantic States Hazardous Substance Research Center Science Advisory Committee.
- 1997-2000: Fairmont Park (Philadelphia, PA) Restoration Project Technical Advisory Committee.
- 1997-2000: Environmental Technology Academy of the Philadelphia High School Academies, Inc., Board of Governors.
Invited Symposium Lectures:
- 2010: Acxiom Laboratory for Applied Research (ALAR), organized by Acxiom, Inc. (Arkansas STEM Coalition and STEM Education, presentation on Apr. 9).
- 2010: Building the Arkansas Innovation Economy: A Symposium Organized by The U.S. National Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Mar. 8-9 (Arkansas STEM Coalition Activities presentation on Mar. 9).
- 2005: 4th International Symposium on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Karachi (Pakistan), Dec. 2005 Keynote Speaker – Biotechnology and Economic Development.
- 2005: Chinese Cultural University, Taipei, Taiwan. Building on Faculty International Relationships to Develop Student Recruitment Plans.
- 1998: 3rd International Symposium on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Karachi (Pakistan), Feb. 22-25 (U.S. Convener to Conference).
- 1997: American Society for Microbiology (Colloquium Convener and Speaker): The Bacterial Gene Movement: Interactions with Plants and Animals. Miami Beach, FL, May 4-8.
- 1996: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Division, American Soc. Chemistry, Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management VIII, Birmingham, AL, Sept. 9-12.
- 1993: 2nd International Symposium on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Karachi (Pakistan), Jan. 6-9.
- 1992: Society for Industrial Microbiology (lecture & round table participant), San Diego, CA, Aug. 9-14.
- 1992: American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA May 27-30.
- 1991: Biotechnology/Microbial Pest Control Agent Risk Assessment Research Program All-Investigators Meeting (Environmental Protection Agency), Arlington, VA (April 8-11).
- 1990: 4th International Congress on Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, College Park, MD.
- 1988: Meeting on the Use of Geotextiles, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
- 1988: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA.
- 1988: ASM, Southeastern Branch Symposium "Fate of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms and their Genes Released into the Environment," Jekyll Island, GA.
- 1988: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, National Meeting, Denver, CO.
- 1988: IARPRC Specialized Conference on Microbiology of Waters and Wastewaters, Newport Beach, CA.
- 1987: Symposium on Topics in Mycology, "Aspergillus and Aspergillosis" sponsored by Janssen Research Foundation, Antwerp (Belgium), June 28-July 1, 1987.
- 1985: American Society of Microbiology, Las Vegas, NE (Panel member for Round Table)
- 1984: Plasmid Gene Transfer to Indigenous Organisms During Domestic Waste Treatment and Disposal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Philadelphia (PA) Meeting.
Other Invited Lectures
- 2011: Deans and Economic Development (panel member). Council of Colleges of Arts & Sciences, at annual meeting, Montreal, Canada; Nov 2-5, 2011). (Also led a case study session at this conference.)
- 2011: Opening Welcome for Arkansas Advanced Placement Summer Institute at Arkansas School of Science, Mathematics and the Arts, Hot Springs, AR. (July 11, 2011)
- 2011: Panel on STEM Education (from Higher Education Perspective) at the STEM Starters STEM Summit, Little Rock, AR (May 17, 2011).
- 2010: Update on Arkansas STEM Actions. At National Alliance of State Science and Mathematics Coalitions. Washington, DC (Oct. 22, 2010; Presented as Chair of the Arkansas STEM Coalition).
- 2010: Arkansas STEM Coalition and STEM Education. At STEM Conference, Winthrop Rockefeller Institute (of the University of Arkansas System), Petit Jean Mountain, Arkansas.
- 2010: Arkansas STEM Education. Presentation to the Arkansas Deans of Colleges of Education (at Harding Univ. Extension in North Little Rock, AR). (Presented as Chair of the Arkansas STEM Coalition, Jan. 15, 2010).
- 2009: Growing Science and Mathematics at UALR. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy, Little Rock, AR (Oct. 25, 2009)
- 2009: Ecological Conservation Organization panel on antibiotic use on farm Animals, Little Rock (AR), July 2009
- 2009: Dinner Keynote: Arkansas Lewis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Research Conference, April 2009 at UALR).
- 2008: STEM Education, Dumas (AR) Business Association 2008: Arkansas STEM Coalition (panel), Arkansas Association of Public Universities Conference, Little Rock, AR (Oct. 5, 2008)
- 2008: Status of STEM Education in Arkansas (panel), Speaking For Science: An American Chemical Society Legislative Action Network Workshop, 64th Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Little Rock, AR (Oct. 2, 2008)
- 2007: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. Effect of nsPEF on Gene Expression in Escherichia coli.
- 2006: Arkansas STEM Coalition, General Meeting at Arkansas Department of Higher Education, Little Rock, AR.
- 2006: Arkansas STRIVE Luncheon Keynote, Little Rock, AR
- 2004: Southern Great Lakes Local Section of the Society for Industrial Microbiology,
- 2004 Annual Meeting, Panel Member for Discussion: Career Connections for Science Majors in the Current Economic Environment. Argonne, IL.
- 2003: Welcome Lecture, Lewis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Conference for the Indiana Consortium, Purdue University West Lafayette, West Lafayette, IN
- 2003: Northwest Indiana World Trade Council, “Re-Tooling the Region,” Hammond, IN
- 2003: Indiana Black Caucus, Indianapolis, IN (discussing water and economic development).
- 1996: Drexel University, Bioscience & Biotechnology, Philadelphia, PA
- 1995: InterAmerican University, San German, Puerto Rico
- 1994: Oakland University, Oakland, MI
- 1994: SmithKline Beecham, Inc., King of Prussia, PA
- 1994: The Stern Symposium: “The Environment and Our Economy: Employing Technology to Cultivate Both” (Panelist), Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
- 1993: Joint Meeting of So. Carolina and No. Carolina Branches of American Society for Microbiology — Foundation of Microbiology lecture, Charlotte, NC
- 1993: Drexel University, Civil Engineering, Philadelphia, PA
- 1992: Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
- 1992: The Student Academy of the Franklin Institute Science Museum, Philadelphia, PA
- 1991: University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
- 1990: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Gulf Breeze, FL
- 1990: U. Kentucky, Lexington, KY
- 1989: Trenton State University, Trenton, NJ
- 1989: General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY
- 1989: Department of Biology, West Chester University, West Chester, PA
- 1988: Department of Microbiology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
- 1987: Department of Biology, St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA
- 1986: Department of Biology, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
- 1984: Department of Chemical Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
- 1984: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Station, Philadelphia, PA.
- 1983: Board of Trustees Annual Seminar at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
2010: Arkansas Applied Research Institute Workshop (Little Rock, AR, Oct. 14, 2010).
1994: Lilly-West Education Workshop — Uniting Engineering, Science and Humanities
in a Freshman Curriculum, with V. Arms and A. Smith.
1994: U.S. EPA Workshop — “Development of Ecological Tier Testing Schemes for
Microbial Biotechnology Applications” (Arlington, VA; Jan 11-13, 1994); invited
1992: A.S.M. Annual Meeting Workshop: Presentation: Molecular Detection of
pathogenic bacteria in sludge (New Orleans, LA)
1990: A.S.M. Annual Meeting Workshop Convener: Detection Methods for Specific
Bacteria and Viruses in Water and Wastewater (Anaheim, CA)
1989: PA Workshop — "Application of Microcosms to Risk Assessment Research"
(Jan. 24-27), Towson, MD.
1988: Drexel University Engineering Curriculum Development (NSF Sponsored
Project), Dec. 13-15), Philadelphia, PA
Committees and Subcommittees for Federal Agencies:
2011: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program,
Washington DC (2/11-13/11)
2010: National Science Foundation, Water Sustainability and Climate, Level 2, Proposal
Review Panel. Arlington, VA (6/22-23/10)
2007: Department of Defense SMART Scholarship Program, administered by American
Society for Engineering Education, panel meeting in Arlington, VA (3/2-3/07)
1995-2000: National Research Council, Associateship Program Proposal Review,
Washington, DC (February meeting and mail reviews throughout year).
1995: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Fort Worth, TX (Jan. 13-15) Co-Chair.
1994: National Research Council, Site Visit Panel for NRC Associateship Program,
Cincinnati, OH (July 6-7)
1994: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Columbia, MD (Feb. 11-12) Co-Chair.
1990: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Tempe, AZ (Dec. 13-15).
1990: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Fort Worth, TX (May 29-31)
1990: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, New Orleans, LO (Feb. 21-23)
1989: Environmental Protection Agency, BSAC Subcommittee on Bacterial Mobile
Genetic Elements (Jul. 20) Washington, DC
1989: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Seattle, WA (July 11-13).
1986: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Gulf Breeze, FL (Nov. 18-21).
1984: Environmental Protection Agency, Grant Proposal Review Committee,
Environmental Biology, Corvallis, OR. (August 29-31).
Michael A. Gealt Page 13 10/18/11
Additional Proposal/Manuscript Reviewing Activities
2006: WERC Annual Research Proposal Review (March 2006)
2003: National Science Foundation [1]
2002: Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology [1]
2002: Dissertation: Department of Genetics, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
2002: Book Manuscript: Dictionary of Environmental Microbiology by L. Stetzenbach
and M. V. Yates. To be published by Prentice Hall
2002: National Science Foundation [2]
2002: Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology [1]
2002: Water Research [1]
2001: Water Research [1]
2001: National Science Foundation [1; Science Technology Center
2000: Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology [3]
2000: Water Research [1]
2000: Enzyme and Microbial Technology [1]
1999: Water Research [2]
1999:J. Quantitative Microbiology [1]
1999: Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology [3]
1999: Water, Air and Soil Pollution [1]
1998: Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology [1]
1998: American Society for Microbiology Press, Book outline [1]
1998: Water Research [2]
1995: Biotechnology and Bioengineering [1]
1995: National Science Foundation [1]
1995: Molecular Ecology [2]
1995: Molecular Microbiology [1]
1994: New York State Center for Hazardous Waste Management [1]
1994: National Science Foundation [1]
1994: The Stern Foundation [2]
1993: Canadian Journal of Microbiology [1]
1993: US Dept. Agriculture, Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program
1993: Water, Air, and Soil Pollution [1]
1992: National Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada [1]
1992: Canadian Journal of Microbiology [1]
1992: Applied and Environmental Microbiology [1]
1991: Univ. Georgia Sea Grant College Program [1]
1991: Molecular Ecology [1]
1991: Natural Environment Research Council (United Kingdom) [1]
1990: National Science Foundation [2]
1990: Antonie von Leeuenhoek Journal of Microbiology [1]
Michael A. Gealt Page 14 10/18/11
Scientific Consulting:
2005: Syracuse Research Corporation – Review of Human Health and Ecological Tier
Testing Schemes for Genetically Engineered Microorganisms used in TSCA
Applications (consulting contract)
2002: Syracuse Research Corporation – Review of Final Biotechnology Rule for
Environmental Protection Agency (consulting contract)
1999: Philadelphia Department of Public Health
Scientific Judging:
2000-08: Judge for WERC International Environmental Design Contest, New Mexico
State University, Las Cruces, NM
Gealt, Michael A. 2009. How a University Administrator Supports STEM Education,
invited chapter for ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION: A Quest for Better
Management and Leadership in Higher Education (Editor: Sheying Chen, Ph.D.
Indiana University Southeast).
Saboo, V. M., M. Sullivan, V. Sobhon and M. A. Gealt. (2002) Genes for
pentachlorophenol degradation and the bacteria that contain them. Proceedings of
the 3rd International Symposium on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology,
Karachi (Pakistan), Feb. 24-28, 1998. In: Industrial and Environmental
Biotechnology (ed. N. Ahmed, F. M. Qureshi, and O. Y. Khan), Horizon Press:
Norfolk (England), pp. 21-31.
Ahmend, Nuzhat, A. Chakrabarty, M. Gealt, and S. Silver. (2002). Preface for Industrial
and Environmental Biotechnology (ed. N. Ahmed, F. M. Qureshi, and O. Y.
Khan), Horizon Press: Norfolk (England), pp. x-xii.
Adamo, J. A. and M. A. Gealt. (1999) New techniques for Analysis of Microbial Gene
Transfer Within a Rhabditis Soil Nematode. The Bulletin of the N.J. Academy of
Science 44: 15-19.
Saboo, V. M. and M. A. Gealt. (1998). Gene sequences of pcpB gene of
pentachlorophenol-degrading Sphingomonas chlorophenolica found in nondegraders.
Can. J. Microbiol. 44: 667-675
Adamo, J. A. and M. A. Gealt. (1996). Vectors and fomites: an investigative laboratory
for undergraduates. American Biology Teacher 58: 484-489.
Adamo, J. A. and M. A. Gealt. (1996). A demonstration of bacterial conjugation within
the alimentary canal of Rhabditis nematodes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Gealt, M. A., W. Baroletti, L.-L. Chang and S. Selvaratnam. (1995) Recombinant
Escherichia coli survival and gene transfer during wastewater treatment.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Genetic Engineering and
Biotechnology, Karachi (Pakistan), Jan. 6-9, 1993. Published in Biotechnology
for Environment and Agriculture, ed. N. Ahmed, M. Ishaq, O. Y. Khan and F.
Sarwar. Univ. Karachi (Pakistan).
Carr, R., D. H. Thomas, T. S. Venkataraman, A. L. Smith, M. A. Gealt, R. Quinn, M.
Tanyel. (1994). Mathematical and Scientific Foundations of Engineering for an
Integrative Engineering Curriculum. J. Engineering Education 84, pp. 137-150.
Michael A. Gealt Page 15 10/18/11
Selvaratnam, S. and M. A. Gealt. (1993). Transcription of ColE1Ap mbeC is induced by
product of conjugative plasmids from different incompatibility groups. J.
Bacteriol. 175: 6982-6987.
Levin, M., and M. A. Gealt. (1993) Overview of Biotreatment Practices. In:
Biotreatment of Industrial and Hazardous Waste. M. Levin and M. A. Gealt
(eds.), pp. 1-18. McGraw-Hill, Inc.: New York.
Gealt, M. A., M. Levin, and M. Shields. (1993) The use of altered microorganisms for
field degradation of hazardous materials. In: Biotreatment of Industrial and
Hazardous Waste. M. Levin and M. A. Gealt (eds.), pp.197-208. McGraw-Hill,
Inc.: New York.
Colwell, R. R., M. Levin and M. A. Gealt. (1993) Future Directions. In: Biotreatment
of Industrial and Hazardous Waste. M. Levin and M. A. Gealt (eds.), pp. 309-
321. McGraw-Hill, Inc.: New York.
Gealt, M. A., S. Selvaratnam, L. Abrams, and R. Synenki. (1992) Survival and detection
of an introduced Escherichia coli containing the porcine Somatotropin from a
waste treatment microcosm. Molecular Ecology 1: 209-214.
Gealt, M. A., T. A. Khalil and S. Selvaratnam (1992) Effects of environmental factors on
bacterial conjugation. Proceedings of the 4th Investigators’ Meeting for EPA’s
Biotechnology-Biological Control Agent Risk Assessment Research Program,
April 8-12, 1991. EPA/600/R-92/147, pp. 165-168.
Gealt, M. A. (1992) Waste treatment microcosm. In: Workshop: Application of
Microcosms for Assessing the Risk of Microbial Biotechnology Products (ed. C.
R. Cripe, P. H. Pritichard, and A. M. Stern). U. S. EPA/600/R-92/066, pp 77-85.
Gealt, M. A. (1992). Gene transfer in waste treatment. In: Microbial Ecology:
Principles, Methods and Applications (ed. M. A. Levin, R. J. Seidler and M.
Rogul). McGraw-Hill , Inc.: New York, pp. 327-343.
Selvaratnam, S. and M. A. Gealt. (1992). Plasmid gene transfer in amended soil. Water
Res. 26: 39-43.
Rios, N. and M. A. Gealt. (1989) Biological growth in landfill leachate collection
systems. Proceedings of Conference on Geotextiles (Drexel University,
December 1988). In: Durability and Aging of Geosynthetics (ed. R. Koerner).
Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc.: New York (NY), pp. 244-259.
Gealt, M. A., J. L. Evans and A. Abdollahi. (1989) Lipids and Lipoidal Mycotoxins of
Fungi. In: Current Topics in Medical Mycology , Vol. 3,(ed. M. R. McGinnis and
M. Borgers), Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 218-247.
Gealt, M. A. (1988). Recombinant DNA plasmid transmission to indigenous organisms
during waste treatment. Proceedings of the International Conference on Water
and Wastewater Microbiology (B.H. Olson and D. Jenkins, eds.), 29-1 — 29-6
and Water Sci. Tech. 20: 179-184.
Gealt, M. A., B. E. Shapiro, T. A. Lindley, and J. L. Evans (1988) Sterol metabolism in
Aspergillus species. In: Aspergillus and Aspergillosis (ed. H. Vanden Bossche)
Plenum Press: New York. pp. 135-146.
Evans, J. L. and M. A. Gealt (1988). Regulation of 3-hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA
reductase in Aspergillus nidulans. Experimental Mycology 12, 132-140.
Foster, K. R., B. R. Epstein, and M. A. Gealt (1987). "Resonances" in the dielectric
absorption of DNA? Biophysical Journal 52: 421-425.
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Khalil, T. and M. A. Gealt (1987). Effect of Exogenous Compounds on the Mobilization
of Plasmids in Synthetic Wastewater, Canadian Journal of Microbiology 33: 733-
Mancini, P., S. Fertels, D. R. Nave, and M. A. Gealt (1987). Mobilization of plasmid
pHSV106 from Escherichia coli in a Laboratory Waste Treatment Facility,
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 53: 665-671.
McPherson, P. and M.A. Gealt (1986). Isolation of indigenous wastewater bacterial
strains capable of mobilizing plasmid pBR325. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 51, 904-909.
Evans, J.L., M. Moclock, and M.A. Gealt (1986). The fatty acid composition of the
conidia and mycelia of the fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Canadian Journal of
Microbiology 32, 179-181.
Gealt, M.A., M. Chai, K. Alpert and J. Boyer (1985). Transfer of plasmids pBR322 and
pBR325 from laboratory strains of Escherichia coli to bacteria indigenous to the
waste disposal system. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 49, 836-841.
Evans, J.L. and M.A. Gealt (1985).The sterols of growth and stationary phases of
Aspergillus nidulans cultures. Journal of General Microbiology 131, 279.
Gealt, M.A. and D. P. Weeks (1984). Isolation of temperature-sensitive flagellar mutants
of Chlamydomonas reinhardi. Announced in: Chlamydomonas Newsletter #4.
Gealt, M.A. (1983). Isolation of beta-amyrin from the fungus Aspergillus nidulans.
Journal of General Microbiology 129, 543-546.
Buchanan, R.L., M.A. Harry and M.A. Gealt (1983). Caffeine inhibition of
sterigmatocystin, citrinin, and patulin production. Journal of Food Science 48,
Shapiro, B.E. and M.A. Gealt (1982). Ergosterol and lanosterol from Aspergillus
nidulans. Journal of General Microbiology 128, 1053-1056.
Adler, J.H., M.A. Gealt, W.D. Nes and W.R. Nes (1981). Growth characteristics of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Aspergillus nidulans when biotin is replaced by
aspartic and fatty acids. Journal of General Microbiology 122, 101-107.
Gealt, M.A., J.H. Adler and W.R. Nes (1981). The sterols and fatty acids from purified
flagella of Chlamydomonas reinhardi. Lipids 16, 133-136.
Gealt, M.A. and D.P. Weeks (1980). Regulation of tubulin synthesis in a temperaturesensitive
flagellar mutant in Chlamydomonas reinhardii. Experimental Cell
Research 127, 329-339.
Weeks, D.P., P.S. Collis and M.A. Gealt (1977). In vitro and in vivo analysis of the
induction of tubulin synthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardi. In: Translation of
Natural and Synthetic Polynucleotides, A.B. Legocki (ed.). University of
Agriculture in Poznan, Poznan (Poland), pp. 53-58.
Weeks, D.P., P.S. Collis and M.A. Gealt (1977). Control of the induction of tubulin
synthesis. Nature 268, 667-668.
Morris, N.R., R. Felden, M.A. Gealt, R.V. Nardi, G. Sheir-Neiss and M.M. Sanders
(1977). The Aspergillus nucleus: Histones, chromatin and tubulin. In: Genetics
and Physiology of Aspergillus, J.E. Smith and J.A. Pateman (eds.). Academic
Press, New York, pp. 267-279.
Sheir-Neiss, G., R.V. Nardi, M.A. Gealt and N.R. Morris (1976). Tubulin-like protein
from Aspergillus nidulans. Biochemical and Biophysical Research
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Communications 69, 285-290.
Gealt, M.A., G. Sheir-Neiss and N.R. Morris (1975). The isolation of nuclei from
Aspergillus nidulans. Journal of General Microbiology 94, 204-210.
Gealt, M.A. and D.E. Axelrod (1974). Coordinate regulation of enzyme inductibility and
developmental competence in Aspergillus nidulans. Developmental Biology 41,
Axelrod, D.E., M.A. Gealt and M. Pastushok (1973). Gene control of developmental
competence in Aspergillus nidulans. Developmental Biology 34, 9-15.
Book Edited:
Biotreatment of Industrial and Hazardous Waste. (1993) M. Levin and M. A. Gealt
(eds.) McGraw-Hill, Inc.: New York.
Technical Reports:
Gealt, M. A. (1992) DNA transmissibility in a wastewater microcosm: Investigations
with a porcine somatotropin gene. Pitman-Moore, Inc., Terre Haute, IN.
Gealt, M.A., and S. Selvaratnam. (1989) Viability of pST Production Strain in
Wastewater, MR-4647. Pitman-Moore, Inc., Terre Haute, IN.
Gealt, M.A., and S. Selvaratnam. (1989) Viability of pST Production Strain in
Authentic Wastewater. Pitman-Moore, Inc., Terre Haute, IN.
Gealt, M.A., and S. Selvaratnam. (1989) Determination of the transmissibility of the
pST gene in a laboratory waste treatment facility. Pitman-Moore, Inc., Terre
Haute, IN.
Abstracts (National and International Meetings):
Gealt, Michael A., Zheng-Ming Wang, Howard Gerber, Karl Schoenbach, and Charles C.
Tseng,. 2008. Gene Regulation in Escherichia coli as a Response to Nanosecond
Pulsed Electric Fields. Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology
(June 1-5, 2008; Boston, MA).
Catelli, M., E. F. Garritt, J. B. Luland-Richards, J. A. Adamo, and M. A. Gealt, The Role
of Bacteriophagous Soil Nematodes in Prokaryotic Horizontal Gene Transfer
Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology (June 1-5, 2008; Boston,
Gealt, Michael A., Zheng-Ming Wang, Deborah S. Johnson, Phillip Smutko, Joseph
Spyridakis, Karl Schoenbach, and Charles C. Tseng. 2006. Escherichia coli
induces specific repair genes in response to nsPEF. Bioelectromagnetics 2006,
Cancun (Mexico).
Adamo, J. A., J. B. Luland-Richards, E. N. Antonelli, E. F. Garritt, and M. A. Gealt.
2006. Nematodes as bacterial, viral and potential nanotechnology delivery
systems. 2nd ASM – IEEE EMBS Conference on Bio-, Micro- and Nanosystems.
San Francisco, Jan. 2006.
Gealt, Michael A. 2005. Economic Development as a Result of Environmental
Biotechnology. 4th International Symposium on Genetic Engineering and
Biotechnology, Karachi (Pakistan), Dec. 2005.
Gealt, M. A. and C. C. Tseng. 2005. Escherichia coli responds to nsPEF with induction
of DNA repair functions. 4th International Symposium on Genetic Engineering
Michael A. Gealt Page 18 10/18/11
and Biotechnology, Karachi (Pakistan), Dec. 2005.
Gealt, Michael A., S. M. Wang., and C. C. Tseng. 2005. Escherichia coli responds to
nsPEF with induction of DNA repair functions. Bioelectromagnetics 2005,
Dublin, Ireland, June 2005 (oral presentation)
Tseng, C. C., M.A. Gealt and S. M. Wang. 2005. Genomic responses to RF fields:
Current research of AFOSR Purdue MURI Consortium. Bioelectromagnetics
2005, Dublin, Ireland, June 2005
Wang, Zheng Ming, Charles C. Tseng, Deborah Johnson, Joseph Spridakis, Phillip
Smutko, Weilang Xie and Michael A. Gealt. 2005. Escherichia coli responds to
nsPEP with induction of DNA repair functions. ElectroMed Conference, May
2005 (oral presentation)
Luland-Richards, J.B., J. A. Adamo, and M. A. Gealt M.A. 2004 Caenorhabditis elegans:
A model vector organism for environmental gene transfer studies among
microbes. New Jersey Academy of Science Annual Meeting.
Luland-Richards, J., J.A. Adamo, and M. A. Gealt. 2004 Caenorhabditis elegans: A
model vector system for bacterial and viral environmental DNA transfer studies.
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New
Orleans, LA, May 23-27 (submitted).
Want, Zheng-Ming, Joseph L. Roti, Roti, Graham J. Hook, Eduardo G. Moros, Deborah
Johnson, Karen Dunbar, Michael Gealt, and Charles C. Tseng. 2003. The RF
effects on human gene expression: Microarray analysis. ElectroMED
Conference, San Antonio, TX, June 12-14.
Gerber, Howard, Chenn Zhou, Toma Hentea, Michael Gealt, and Charles C. Tseng.
2003. A predictable RF exposure system for studying gene expression.
ElectroMED Conference, San Antonio, TX, June 12-14.
Sobhon, V. and M. A. Gealt. 2001. Additional Nucleotides in pcpC Gene Do Not Affect
PCP Degradation. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, Orlando, FL, May 20-24.
Sobhon, V. and M. A. Gealt. 2000. Variation at the N-terminal Region of Sphingomonas
TeCHQ Dehalogenase (pcpC) that Does Not Affect Dechlorination of
Pentachlorophenol. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, Los Angeles, CA, May 21-25.
Scangerella, N. and M. A. Gealt. 1999. Effect of medium and incubation time on
identification of environmental isolates by FAME analysis. Abstracts of the
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Chicago, IL, May 30-
Jun 3.
Adamo, J. A. and M. A. Gealt. 1998. New techniques for plasmid transfer studies in a
soil nematode vector model system. New Jersey Academy of Science, April 18.,
43 (1).
Saboo, V. M., M. Sullivan, V. Sobhon and M. A. Gealt. 1998. Pentachlorophenol
Degradation. 3rd International Symposium on Industrial and Environmental
Biotechnology, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan. Feb. 24-28.
Gealt, M. A. and V. M. Saboo. 1996. Pentachlorophenol-4-monooxygenase gene
sequence comparisons. 1996. Amer. Chem. Soc. I & EC Special Symposium.
Birmingham, AL, Sept. 9-11.
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Saboo, V. M. and M. A. Gealt. 1996. Variation in DNA sequences amplified from
strains isolated from a pentachlorophenol contaminated site (Q182). Abstracts of
the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA
Adamo, J. A. and M. A. Gealt. 1996. A quantitative investigative microbiology ecology
laboratory: Statistics and nematode-bacterial interaction (W13). Abstracts of the
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA
Leighton, J. P., J. A. Adamo, and M. A. Gealt, 1995. Transmission of plasmid DNA by
the conjugation of Escherichia coli in soil nematodes. the Bulletin of the New
Jersey Academy of Science 40(1):15.
Adamo , J. A. and M. A. Gealt. 1995. Bacterial viability in a soil nematode: a necessary
precursor to the study of internalized bacterial gene transfer. Abstracts of the
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC.
Adamo, J. A., and M. A. Gealt. 1994. Bacterial gene transfer in nematodes. Abstracts of
the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas, NV.
Adamo, J. A., and M. A. Gealt. 1994. Vectors and fomites. Abstracts of the Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas, NV.
Stadnick, C. M., J. A. Adamo, and M. A. Gealt. 1993. Feeding time requirement of a
nematode model system for the study of gene transfer in soil organisms. The
Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science 38(1):13.
Adamo, J. A., C. M. Stadnick, and M. A. Gealt. 1993. A nematode model system for the
study of gene transfer in soil organisms. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA.
Gealt, M. and S. Selvaratnam. 1992. Regulation of the mbeC gene involved in
mobilization of plasmid colE1. Abstracts of the 6th International Symposium on
Microbial Ecology, Barcelona, Spain.
Gealt, M. A., S. Selvaratnam, L. Abrams, and R. Synenki. 1992. Recovery of
recombinant Escherichia coli from wastewater and soil microcosms. Abstracts of
Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial Microbiology, San Diego, CA.
Gealt, M. A., W. B. Baroletti, L-L. Chang, C. Kokolis, and B. P. Sagik. 1992. Detection
of Salmonella typhimurium containing a P22 prophage in a Laboratory Scale
Waste Treatment Microcosm. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American
Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA.
Selvaratnam, S., T. Khalil, and M.A. Gealt. 1992. The effect of ferric ion on expression
of the traJ gene of the conjugative plasmid R100-1. Abstracts of the Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA.
Cheng, H-W. 1992. Physical-chemical studies of culturable/non-culturable
Enterobacteriacae. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, New Orleans, LA.
Baroletti, W. B. and M. A. Gealt (1991). Natural gene transformation in wastewater
systems. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, Dallas TX.
Selvaratnam, S. and M. A. Gealt (1991). Regulation of Transcription of the mob Genes
of Plasmid ColE1.Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, Dallas, TX.
Gealt, M. A. (1991) Effects of Environmental Factors in Bacterial Conjugation.
Biotechnology/Microbial Pest Control Agent Risk Assessment Research Program
Michael A. Gealt Page 20 10/18/11
All-Investigators Meeting. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Arlington,
VA (April 8-11, 1991).
Gealt, M. A. (1990). Conjugation as a means of gene transfer in wastewater. 4th
International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, Univ. Maryland,
College Park, MD.
Selvaratnam, S. and M. A. Gealt (1990). Comparison of mob+ and mob- recombinant
plasmid mobilization in soil. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American
Society for Microbiology, Anaheim, CA.
Gealt, M. A. (1988) Mobilization of a genetically engineered DNA sequence in a
laboratory waste treatment facility. SETAC meeting, Washington, DC.
Gealt, M. A., P. Cleaveland, and M. Vettese (1988). Transfer of genetically engineered
DNA (GEDS) to indigenous wastewater bacteria in a laboratory-scale treatment
facility. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, Miami Beach, FL.
Osman, M. A. and M. A. Gealt (1988). Wastewater bacteriophage transduce genes from
the chromosome and a recombinant plasmid. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of
the American Society for Microbiology, Miami Beach, FL.
Gealt, M. A. (1988) Recombinant DNA plasmid transmission to indigenous organisms
during waste treatment." IAWPRC Specialized Conference on the Microbiology
of Waters and Wastewaters, Newport Beach, CA.
Gealt, M. A., B. E. Shapiro, T. A. Lindley, and J. L. Evans (1987) Sterol metabolism in
Aspergillus species. Second Symposium, Topics in Mycology, Aspergillus and
Aspergillosis. Sponsored by Janssen Research Foundation and the International
Society on Human and Animal Mycology. Antwerp, Belgium.
Epstein, B. R., M. A. Gealt, and K. R. Foster (1987). The use of coaxial probes for
precise dielectric measurements: A reevaluation. Proceedings of IEEE.
Microwave Theory and Technique Society, International Symposium, Las Vegas,
Khalil, T.A. and M. A. Gealt (1987). Effect of environmental physical and chemical
factors on bacterial conjugation. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA.
Evans, J.L., and M. A. Gealt (1986). Effect of exogenous ergosterol on 3-hydroxy-3-
methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR) in Aspergillus nidulans.
Abstracts of the 1986 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Biological
Chemistry, Washington, DC.
McPherson, P. and M.A. Gealt (1986). Restriction analysis of R-plasmids from two
indigenous wastewater bacteria capable of mobilizing pBR325. Abstracts of the
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC.
McPherson, P. and M.A. Gealt (1985). Indigenous wastewater bacteria mobilize plasmid
pBR325 from laboratory strains of Escherichia coli. Abstracts of the Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas, NE.
Evans, J.L., M. Moclock, and M.A. Gealt (1985). The levels of linolenic acid in
Aspergillus nidulans varies as a function of growth phase. Abstracts of the
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas, NE.
Alpert, K.B., J. Boyer and M.A. Gealt (1984). Co-integrate formation in recombinant
plasmids during conjugation. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American
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Society for Microbiology, St. Louis, MO.
Evans, J.L. and M.A. Gealt (1984). The insensitivity of ergosterol synthesis to
cycloheximide in Aspergillus nidulans. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Microbiology, St. Louis, MO.
Gealt, M.A. and J. Boyer (1983). Participation of a conjugative plasmid containing
Escherichia coli in mobilization of non-conjugative plasmids pBR322 and
pBR325. Third International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, East Lansing,
Gealt, M.A., T.A. Lindley and J.L. Evans (1982). Regulation of beta-amyrin synthesis by
Aspergillus nidulans. Journal of Cell Biology 95, 46a.
Dowiadar, S.M. and M.A. Gealt (1981). Fatty acid and sterol composition of the
Chlamydomonas reinhardi chloroplast. Journal of Cell Biology 91, 279a.
Gealt, M.A., J.H. Adler and W.R. Nes (1980). A sterol mutant of Aspergillus nidulans.
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology,
Miami Beach, FL.
Gealt, M.A., J.H. Adler and W.R. Nes (1980). Flagellar sterols and fatty acids of
Chlamydomonas reinhardi. Federation Proceedings 39, 1996.
Gealt, M.A. and D.P. Weeks (1978). A conditional fragile-flagella mutant of
Chlamydomonas reinhardi with altered regulation of tubulin synthesis. Journal
of Cell Biology 79, 360a.
Weeks, D.P., P.S. Collis and M.A. Gealt (1977). Tubulin synthesis and programmed
changes in protein synthesis throughout the cell cycle and life cycle of
Chlamydomonas reinhardi. Journal of Cell Biology 75, 26a.
Gealt, M.A., G. Sheir-Neiss and N.R. Morris (1975). Isolation of nuclei from Aspergillus
nidulans . Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, New York, NY.
Gealt, M.A. (1974). Regulation of nitrate reductase production capability and
morphological competence in Aspergillus nidulans. Abstracts of the Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Chicago, IL.
Gealt, M.A. and D.E. Axelrod (1973). Induction of development in competent
Aspergillus nidulans. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society
for Microbiology, Miami Beach, FL.
Popular Press Articles:
Newspaper Op-Ed Article: Improve Education (in Math and Science). Arkansas
Democrat-Gazette, 2007
Book Review: Inside and Our: Universities and Education for Sustainable Development
by R. Forrent and S. Silka (eds.), Ecology
Newspaper Op-Ed Article: Why Water? Why Now? The Times (Hammond, IN), 2005.
Newspaper Article: Science Education leads to jobs and benefits community, Post-
Tribune (Gary, IN), July 27, 2003, p. E7 and The Times (Hammond, IN), August
10, 2003.
Book Review: Getting Rid of Wastes, a review of Biodegradation and Bioremediation, by
M. Alexander. Bioscience 45: 635-638 (1995).
Book Review (with B. P. Sagik): Gene Transfer in the Environment, by S. B. Levy and
R. V. Miller. Bioscience 40: 537-538 (1990).
Michael A. Gealt Page 22 10/18/11
Genetic engineering: Curing nature's ills or altering its plan? Drexel Magazine (1988
[Spring]), pp. 29-31.
Television Interviews:
2011: Publicity interview for 2011 James Fribourgh Award Reception, KTHV-TV.
2003: Region Watch, Northwest Indiana Form (April 11, 2003). Comcast Cable TV.
Interviewed by John Davies with Chenn Zhou, Ph.D. about Steel Industry in NW
Indiana and 21st Century Fund grant received by Dr. Zhou.
2003: Purdue Calumet and You (April 21, 2003). Broadcast on Channel 56 (Public TV)
and cable. Interviewed about campus activities.
Grants and Contracts Funded:
Arkansas Science & Technology Authority, Little Rock, AR. Grant for development of
UTeach Proposal. (9/2011 – 12/2011; $41,000).
Central Arkansas Transportation Authority, North Little Rock, AR. Alternative Fuels
Study (Chair of UALR Committee evaluating alternative fuels), ($20,000).
Report delivered June 2011).
National Science Foundation, Lewis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. Campus
PI (Program PI: Dr. Mary Benjamin, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff),
Il-IN Sea Grant, Indiana Water Institute (Budget Period 7/1/04-8/31/04), $5,000.
U.S. Air Force, Office of Scientific Research (Budget Period 2003-04) $200,000.
U.S. Air Force, Office of Scientific Research (Budget Period 1/5/02-6/30/05,
$1,400,000. (MURI 02) RF Bio-Effects for Homeland Defense" An additional
$900,000 awarded for periond 7/1/05-6/30/07.
PI: Charles C. Tseng. Co-PI's: Chenn Zhou, Howard Gerber, Michael A. Gealt,
Chung Lee, San Ming Wang.
U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Budget Period 7/1/02-12/30/02; $200,000)
Equipment for High Frequency Measurements for Gene Expression Studies.
PI: Charles C. Tseng. Co-PI's: Chenn Zhou, Howard Gerber, Michael A. Gealt
Department of Army, Army Environmental Policy Institute – (Budget period 7/1/98-
10/31/98, $30,000); “Analyzing Environmental Justice Issues at Chemical
Stockpile Disposal Sites.”, Project Director: Michael Gealt
Co-PI’s: Robert Brulle, Brandon Kelley
National Science Foundation – (Budget period 10/1/97-9/30/00; $320,000), “Acquisition
of an ICP-MS as an Institutional Resource at Drexel University”, Principal
Investigator: Michael A. Gealt (grant transferred to S. Kilham in June 2000 when
I left Drexel University for position at Purdue University Calumet)
Co-PI’s: Anthony Paulson, Charles Haas, Mirat Gurol, Sue Kilham, Chris Barry,
and Claire Welty
National Science Foundation – (Budget Period: 7/1/97-6/30/98), “3rd International
Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology, Karachi, Pakistan”, Principal
Investigator: Michael A. Gealt
National Science Foundation — (Budget period 9/1/94-8/31/96; $12,572) , “Biology
Laboratory for Freshmen Engineering Students.” Principal Investigator:
Michael A. Gealt Page 23 10/18/11
Rebecca Dickstein , Co-PI: Michael A. Gealt
Pitman-Moore, Inc. — (Budget period 4/1/92-12/30/93; Budget amount: $89,500) ,
“Plasmid Transfer in a Laboratory Waste Treatment Facility” Principal
Investigator: Michael A. Gealt
American Society for Microbiology — Science-Educator Team project (Michael A.
Gealt: head of Drexel University team), with S. Kilham. Visiting scientist: J. A.
Adamo (Ocean County College); Project on gene transfer inside of nematodes.
Environmental Protection Agency — (Sub-contract with University of Pittsburgh; Subcontract
budget period: 10/1/90-3/31/93; Subcontract budget amount: $99,990),
“Detection of Specific Bacteria in Sewage Sludge”
Principal Investigators: Bernard P. Sagik and Michael A. Gealt
Environmental Protection Agency — R815610 (Budget period: 4/30/90-10/30/93; Budget
amount: $522,046)
"Regulation of Genetic Transfer Into and Between Indigenous Bacteria in
Principal Investigator: Michael A. Gealt
Smith Kline & French Laboratories — (Budget period 7/1/89-12/31/90; Budget amount:
$55,000) , “Gene Acquisition by Transformation” , Principal Investigator:
Michael A. Gealt
Pitman-Moore, Inc. — (Budget period 4/1/89-9/30/89; Budget amount: $21,300) ,
“Bacterial Viability in a Laboratory Waste Treatment Facility” , Principal
Investigator: Michael A. Gealt
Office of Naval Research — (Sub-Contract with University of Pennsylvania; Sub-
Contract budget period 5/1/86-4/30/89; Sub-Contract budget amount: $74,745) ,
"Dielectric Absorption and Dispersion in Biological and Model Systems:
Molecular Mechanisms" , Project Manager: Kenneth R. Foster (Associate
Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, Co-Investigator: Michael A. Gealt (sub-contract to
provide purified plasmid DNA)
Environmental Protection Agency — Proposal No. R812362 (Budget Period: 7/8/85-
7/7/87; Budget amount: $180,371), "R ecombinant DNA Plasmid Transmission to
Indigenous Organisms During Domestic Waste Water Treatment" , Principal
Investigator: Michael A. Gealt , Co-Investigator: Bernard P. Sagik
Environmental Protection Agency — Grant No. R810049-01 (5/1/83-4/30/85; Budget
amount: $202,059) , "Plasmid Gene Transfer to Indigenous Organisms During
Domestic Waste Treatment and Disposal" , Principal Investigator: Michael A.
Gealt , Co-Investigator: Bernard P. Sagik
Biomedical Research Support Grant (B.R.S.G) — Drexel University, 1983-1984 (Budget
amount: $1,500) , "Regulation of Stationary Phase Sterol Accumulation by
Aspergillus nidulans" ,Principal Investigator: Michael A. Gealt
National Science Foundation — Grant No. PCM 8006840 (3/15/81-2/28/82; Budget
amount: $25,000) , "Purchase of Liquid Scintillation Counter for Study of Sterols
and Other Lipids" , Principal Investigator: Jeffrey T. Billheimer , Co-
Investigators: John H. Adler, Michael A. Gealt, William R. Nes, Karla S. Ritter
National Science Foundation — Grant No. CDP 8006391 (6/1/80-5/31/81; Budget
amount: $21,000) , "Coordinate Regulation of Lipid and Protein Biosynthesis
Michael A. Gealt Page 24 10/18/11
During Flagellar Regeneration" ,Principal Investigator: Michael A. Gealt , Co-
Investigators: John H. Adler, William R. Nes, Karla S. Ritter
Biological Research Support Grant (B.R.S.G.) — Drexel University, 1980-1981 (Budget
amount: $1,000) , "Co-ordinate Regulation of Lipid and
ProteinSynthesis:Lipid Content of theChlamydomonasChloroplast", Principal
Investigator: Michael A. Gealt
Grants Projects Administered:
U.S. Geological Survey, Joint Funding Agreement, Examination of Phytoplankton on
Lake Maumelle, UALR PI ($5,000).
Department of Army, Army Environmental Policy Institute – (Budget period 1/18/99-
1/17/00, $47,000); R. Brandon Kelley assignment to AEPI; Project Director:
Michael A. Gealt
Biographical Listings:
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